For today's blog assignment I have to put, in my own words, what I think school would be like in a perfect world. Considering that the world will never become 'perfect', their is know way of knowing what it would actually be like.
What I think school would be like in a perfect world. Nobody would care about trends or fashion, people would dress how they dress and act how they act. They would be themselves and not act like anyone else. People would be like when they were young; they wouldn't care about what people thought about them, they would be free minded and flowing with happiness.
For the actual curricular things, students and teachers would bargain over what homework they can do as long as its related to the topic. Deadlines would be fitted to which of the homework you did and you wouldn't get marked down for it being late. The classes would be more focused on the students special talents. This should also play into what things could be used to help with that talent to perfect it. Since its a perfect world and all.
As for the schedule, school would only be seven months long and Fridays would be half days. The teachers and kids could have a break to have a clear mind to learn more and more.
Homework? There would be no such thing. I find homework pointless; you spend all day doing work and then teachers expect you to bring it home and waste another two hours of your life. The only reason why we have homework is because they're just testing to see if you are responsible enough to get things done and done right, but we have chores for that. They want you to have this 'responsibility' so that you can be dependable when you get a job. Like I said that is what chores are for. Summery, no such thing as homework.
This is what I think school in a perfect world would be like. If you agree, comment below! :)
Awesome (: And I totally agree about the homework, work all day so you can come home and work some more!